MS-35489 Grommets (Military Standard)



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Grommet, Elastic, Hot Oil and Coolant Resistant Material

Specification : MIL-G-3036

For tour guidence, we have arranged the complete series of MS-35489 below to correspond with the regular AN931 dash number, so that you may readily determine the size of each grommet as set out on the AN931 series size chart. These grommets are carried in stock at all times.


MS-35489-1 AEP #210
-2 AN931-2-9 -36 AN931-A4-12 -70 AN931-B6-16 -104 AN931-C10-14
-3 AN931-2-16 -37 AN931-A4-16 -71 AN931-B7-11 -105 AN931-C10-20
-4 AN931-3-5 -38 AN931-A5-9 -72 AN931-B8-13 -106 AN931-C11-16
-5 AN931-3-10 -39 AN931-A5-12 -73 AN931-B8-20 -107 AN931-C12-17
-6 AN931-4-7 -40 AN931-A6-10 -74 AN931-B8-13 -108 AN931-C12-23
-7 AN931-4-12 -41 AN931-A6-16 -75 AN931-B10-14 -109 AN931-C14-20
-8 AN931-4-16 -42 AN931-A7-11 -76 AN931-B10-20 -110 AN931-C16-22
-9 AN931-5-9 -43 AN931-A8-13 -77 AN931-B11-16 -111 AN931-C16-30
-10 AN931-5-12 -44 AN931-A8-20 -78 AN931-B12-17 -112 AN931-C20-38
-11 AN931-6-10 -45 AN931-A19-13 -79 AN931-B12-23 -113 AN931-C20-40
-12 AN931-6-16 -46 AN931-A10-14 -80 AN931-B14-20 -114 AN931-C24-28
-13 AN931-7-11 -47 AN931-A10-20 -81 AN931-B16-22 -115 AN931-C24-44
-14 AN931-8-13 -48 AN931-A11-16 -82 AN931-B16-30 -116 AN931-C28-52
-15 AN931-8-20 -49 AN931-A12-17 -83 AN931-B20-38 -117 AN931-C32-56
-16 AN931-9-13 -50 AN931-A12-23 -84 AN931-B20-40 -118 AN931-5-13
-17 AN931-10-14 -51 AN931-A14-20 -85 AN931-B24-28 -119 AN931-12-20
-18 AN931-10-20 -52 AN931-A16-22 -86 AN931-B24-44 -120 AN931-12-26
-19 AN931-11-16 -53 AN931-A16-30 -87 AN931-B28-52 -121 AN931-14-26
-20 AN931-12-17 -54 AN931-A20-38 -88 AN931-B32-56 -122 AN931-A5-13
-21 AN931-12-23 -55 AN931-A20-40 -89 AN931-C2-9 -123 AN931-A12-20
-22 AN931-14-20 -56 AN931-A24-28 -90 AN931-C2-16 -124 AN931-A12-26
-22 AN931-16-22 -56 AN931-A24-44 -90 AN931-C3-5 -124 AN931-A14-26
-23 AN931-16-30 -57 AN931-A28-52 -91 AN931-C3-10 -125 AN931-B12-20
-24 AN931-16-30 -58 AN931-A28-52 -92 AN931-C3-10 -126 AN931-B12-20
-25 AN931-20-38 -59 AN931-A32-56 -93 AN931-C4-7 -127 AN931-B14-20
-26 AN931-20-40 -60 AN931-B2-9 -94 AN931-C4-12 -128 AN931-B12-26
-27 AN931-24-48 -61 AN931-B2-16 -95 AN931-C4-16 -129 AN931-B14-26
-28 AN931-24-44 -62 AN931-B3-5 -96 AN931-C5-9 -130 AN931-C5-13
-29 AN931-28-52 -63 AN931-B3-10 -97 AN931-C5-12 -131 AN931-C12-20
-30 AN931-32-56 -64 AN931-B4-7 -98 AN931-C6-10 -132 AN931-C12-26
-31 AN931-A2-9 -65 AN931-B4-12 -99 AN931-C6-16 -133 AN931-C14-26
-32 AN931-A2-16 -66 AN931-B4-16 -100 AN931-C7-11 -134 AN931-3-9
-33 AN931-A3-5 -67 AN931-B5-9 -101 AN931-C8-13 -135 AN931-12-20
-34 AN931-A3-10 -68 AN931-B5-12 -102 AN931-C8-20
-35 AN931-A4-7 -69 AN931-B6-10 -103 AN931-C9-13

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MS35489 Grommets, Synthetic and Silicone Rubber, Hot Oil and Coolent Resistant

Supersedes: MS35490 and AN931. Procurement specification: MIL-G-3036.
Material: a. Rubber, synthetic, Composition A, in accordance with MIL-G-3036. b. Rubber,silicone, Composition B, in accordance with MIL-G-3036.
Color: A. Black (Composition A). B. Red or orange (Composition B)
Part Number: The MS part number consists of the MS number, plus the dash number for synthetic rubber, plus the letter "X" for silicone rubber.
Examples: MS35489-14 is a synthetic rubber grommet while MS35489-14X is a silicone rubber grommet.
Split Grommets: Split grommets are not to be procured or stocked by the services. For replacement, use solid grommets and split at assembly. Split grommets may be specified or used on drawings by adding the sufix "S" after the dash number.
Supersession: Replacement part number relationships shall be in accordance with table III. Cancelled MS35490 grommets may be used to replace MS35490 grommets until existing stocks are depleated . Do not use MS35490 grommets to replace MS35489 or AN931 grommets. AN931 grommets and supercedeing MS35489 grommets are universally, functionally and dimensionally interchangeable.

Accurate Elastomer Products, Inc.
4370 Jutland Drive
San Diego, CA 92117
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